Easy Hydro secures an exclusive IP licence agreement

The rights to use the pump-as-turbine selection software has been granted to the Venture by Trinity College di Dublino.

The selection software enables an accurate selection of the most suitable hydraulic pump (end-suction, inline, multistage, split-case) to work as a turbine for any given site. Until now, the available alternatives were either experimentally testing many different pumps in reverse or performing a numerical CFD simulation to predict their performances – both extremely time and resource consuming methods.

Screenshot of exemplary results from the software.

In-pipe pico hydropower saves an Irish rural water network 15,600 kWh of electricity

The 3 kW peak pico pump-as-turbine designed by the Easy Hydro team has been operating for the last 12 months. The turbine is located at the inlet of a gravity-fed raw water supply line, and contributes to reducing the energy demand of the adjacent treatment works by nearly 20%.

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