Easy Hydro’s Engineers offer world-class prefeasibility studies to help you make the most cost effective and energy efficient decision for your business.
A pre-feasibility study is an early-stage analysis of a potential project. It typically gives an overview of a project’s logistics, benefits, capital requirements, key challenges and other information deemed important to the decision-making process. Saving you time and money in the long run.
Easy Hydro’s roots are in over twelve years of small hydropower research. Building on that wealth of knowledge and culture of innovation, our engineers can offer innovative and low-cost ways of implementing hydro energy recovery within existing water infrastructures. Whether down a mine, in water/wastewater treatment plant or on an industrial cooling system, we can provide a solution to customers willing to reduce their energy bills and cut down on CO2 emissions.
Below are charts taken from a pre-feasibility done for one of our customers.

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