The concept
Easy Hydro offers a complete range of small-scale and modular hydropower turbines which can be used for energy recovery from mines. Such turbines can be placed in a bypass of an existing valve, e.g. pressure reducing valves, control valves, tank inflow regulation valves. The turbine can thus transform the dissipated pressure into usable electricity, with power outputs ranging from a few kilowatts up to hundreds of kilowatts.

The need
The mining sector and process industry need vast quantities of water and electricity with large associated CO2 emissions. At the same time, their internal water networks have locations in which an excessive pressure builds up and therefore needs to be dissipated by means of throttling/control/pressure reducing valves.
The type of turbine adopted is reliable and widely tested and consists of standard pumps running in reverse as turbines which only cost a fraction of a conventional custom-made hydro turbine.
A typical application of the technology for energy recovery from mines consists of powering the turbine with the cooling water flowing downwards the main pit.

- The turbines consist of standard water pumps running in reverse mode
- The turbines can handle impurities in the water, and can be supplied with parts in stainless steel or bronze on request
- Range of power output from 1 to 500+ kW, range of flows from 15 to 3,600 m3/h, range of pressure from 1 to 300 bar.
- Low installation cost with respect to a conventional hydro turbine
- Modular system, plug and play
- Easy maintenance, same as a regular water pump
- Fail-safe bypass installation, hands-off operations
- Exploiting an untapped potential within existing mines
- Reducing the electricity needs and CO2 emissions of the mining industry
Contacts and commercial enquiries