Easy Hydro collaborates in international research to maximize energy recovery from irrigation pipe networks

Easy Hydro has collaborated in an international research investigation together with members of the University of Naples (Italy), University of Cordoba (Spain) and Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). The research explored optimal locations for the selection of Pumps As turbines (PATs) to recover energy within branched pressurized networks.

New mixed integer non-linear models were developed and a global optimization solver employed. These methods were then applied to a case-study network located in Andalusia in Southern Spain. Among the whole pipe system distributed across 2691 ha, the optimal solution consisted of 5 PATs capable of producing around 289 MWh per year (despite the seasonal nature of the irrigation).

Plant curve: trend of the total head drop versus the total discharge within the branches selected for pumps as turbines installation.

This research reflects the commitment of Easy Hydro towards innovation and towards sustainable energy solutions enhancing the energy efficiency of water-intensive sectors.

The paper, titled “Exploring the optimal location of pumps as turbines within branched irrigation networks by global optimization”, is available at the link: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2022WR033317